
S.C. Viz Construct Specialist S.R.L. cu sediul in Bucuresti, str. Sos. Andronache nr. 41, sector 2, inregistrata la Oficiul Registrul Comertului cu nr J40/14183/2018, cod unic de inregistrare 39948642 organizeaza selectie in vederea ocuparii postului de Secretara (cod COR 412001 - Secretara);
Domeniu activitate: Secretariat, operatori PC Tip colaborare: Perioada nedeterminata Locatie job: locatie fixa
Detalii suplimentare
Cerintele de ocupare a postului sunt :
- vechime in domeniu : Minimum 1 an experienta
- studii : minim diploma de absolvire liceu
- cunoastere limba engleza nivel mediu sau avansat atat vorbit cat si scris
- cunostinte operare PC: bune cunostinte operare PC (MS Office, Outlook, Internet)
Durata muncii : O norma intreaga, durata timpului de lucru fiind de 8 ore/zi , de luni pana vineri in intervalul orar 09-18 , cu pauza de masa 1 ora
Durata contractului : Nedeterminata
Salariul de baza lunar brut: 4.582 lei
Salariul de baza lunar net: 3.196 lei
Durata concediului de odihna : 21 zile lucratoare pe an
Persoanele interesate pot trimite CV si scrisoare de intentie pe adresa de e-mail sau se pot prezenta fizic la interviu in data 05.04.2024 ora 11:00 locatie la sediu : Municipiul Bucuresti, sector 2, Sos. Andronache, nr.41 , impreuna cu CV si scrisoare de intentie .

SC VIZ CONSTRUCT SPECIALIST S.R.L. with headquarters in Bucharest, Sos. Andronache street no. 41, sector 2, registered at the Trade Registry Office with no. J40/14183/2018, unique registration code 39948642, organizes selection for the position of Secretary (COR code 412001 - Secretary ).
The job requirements are:
- Seniority in the field: Minimum 1 year of experience
- Education: minimum high school diploma
- Knowledge of the English language at an intermediate or advanced level, both spoken and written
- PC operating skills: good PC operating skills (MS Office, Outlook, Internet)

Duration of work: Full-time, the duration of the working time being 8 hours/day, from Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 18:00, with a 1-hour lunch break
Contract duration: Indeterminate
Basic gross monthly salary: 4582 lei
Net basic monthly salary: 3196 lei
Duration of vacation: 21 working days per year

Interested persons can send their CV and cover letter to the e-mail address or they can appear in person for the interview on 05.04.2024 at 11:00 a.m. location at the headquarters: Bucharest Municipality, sector 2, Sos. Andronache, no. 41, together with CV and cover letter.
1.191 vizualizari Bucuresti, Sector 2, 28 Apr 15:04